
One power associated with this domain was shared among nine Etruscan deities known by the Romans as the Novensiles. In the Argonautica, Drepane is called the “sacred nurse of the Phaeacians” because the Phaeacians were supposedly born from the blood of one god of this domain. The Etruscan god Tinia was a god of this domain. In a Hurrian myth, Kumarbi bites off a certain body part from Anu, a god of this domain. (10[1])The reconstructed deity *Dyḗus (10[1])ph₂tḗr (10[2])(“DAY-oos pah-TAIR”) ruled (10[1])over this domain (10[2])and likely developed into the so-called “father” of this domain (10[1])in many mythologies. (10[1])Caelus (“SEEL-us”) was the Roman counterpart of a god of this domain whose blood created the Furies. One god of this domain was castrated by his son Kronos. For 10 points, name this natural domain that the Greeks personified as Ouranos. ■END■

ANSWER: the sky [accept Ouranos until read; accept sky father or the bright sky or daylight-sky-god; prompt on thunder or lightning or storms or daylight or heavens]
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