
A book by a thinker from this country was characterized by Yuri Pines as having “alienating rhetoric.” That thinker from this country was credited by another with the concept of “fixing the standards.” A book by a thinker from this country, which tells a story of a farmer who hunts rabbits by hoping they run into a stump, (10[1])considers followers of an earlier thinker from this country among its “five vermin” and outlines “two handles” of punishment (10[1])and reward. (10[1])A follower of that earlier thinker from this country argued for “four beginnings” (10[1])of innate goodness by imagining reactions to a child falling down a well. (10[1])A philosopher from this country said that his first act as an official would be to “rectify names,” (10[1])as recounted in The Analects. (10[3])For 10 points, name this home country of Hán Fēi and Confucius. ■END■

ANSWER: China [or Zhōngguó]
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