2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 9: Northeastern A vs. Yale A

Yale A


William Orr6060
Matthew Siff111105
Yixi Yang2020
19 bonuses for 330 points (17.37 PPB)

Northeastern A


Rajat Sethi115
Rishi Koduri000
1 bonuses for 0 points (0 PPB)

William OrrMatthew SiffYixi YangBonusesTotalTURajat SethiRishi KoduriBonusesTotal
-5 62-5110 11900010
10 741010025210
10 1031010055310
10 481001085410
10 8801010115510
10 1091000135610
10 9710100165710
10 108100101958-5 875
10 108010021595
10 7310100245105
10 7410010275115
10 620100295125
10 9701010325135
10 9201010355145
10 9401010385155
10 760010405165
10 690100425175
10 7410100455185
10 6301010485195
10 9601010515205
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text