2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 9: Brandeis B vs. MIT A



Vaibhavi Addala115
Ragulan Sivakumar2020
Yrwin Batan140140
Sovannjet Lim000
17 bonuses for 290 points (17.06 PPB)

Brandeis B


William Barash000
Max Wood1010
1 bonuses for 30 points (30 PPB)

Vaibhavi AddalaRagulan SivakumarYrwin BatanSovannjet LimBonusesTotalTUWilliam BarashMax WoodBonusesTotal
10 76010103010
10 85101006020
10 740007030
10 871001010040
10 9210101014050
10 44100016060
10 831010019070
10 871001022080
10 112010024090
10 8210100270100
10 72101010310110
10 640100330120
-5 97325130
3251410 8210101040
10 73010103551540
10 104101003851640
0 1143851740
10 90010104151840
10 5201004351940
10 10301004552040
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text