2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 9: Bowdoin A vs. Brandeis D

Brandeis D


Christopher Dech7260
7 bonuses for 70 points (10 PPB)

Bowdoin A


Evan Lucca3125
Richard Lim4040
Nick Enbar-Salo000
Riley Roessler115
8 bonuses for 90 points (11.25 PPB)

Christopher DechBonusesTotalTUEvan LuccaRichard LimNick Enbar-SaloRiley RoesslerBonusesTotal
10 940001010
10310 760101030
10410 82010050
10510 58001070
10 13301010406-5 12865
10 107100060765
60810 114100085
0 130609-5 12780
10 119000701080
-5 7565110 13380
651210 1100100100
0 13265130 132100
10 7801008514100
851510 123000110
10 1270101011516110
-5 71110170 114110
10 137001013018110
1301910 11001010140
1302010 980100160
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text