2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 9: Brandeis C vs. Yale C

Brandeis C


Lily Fasciano1010
Jack Feinberg1010
Kaitlyn Farrin1010
Jack Yesner2020
5 bonuses for 80 points (16 PPB)

Yale C


Roger Chenn3030
Kevin Zheng4135
Jiayi Liao1010
Andres Cordoba1010
9 bonuses for 100 points (11.11 PPB)

Lily FascianoJack FeinbergKaitlyn FarrinJack YesnerBonusesTotalTURoger ChennKevin ZhengJiayi LiaoAndres CordobaBonusesTotal
10 11500102010
0 1362020 1360
20310 94010020
10 921001050420
50510 29010040
10 1181001080640
80710 101100060
80810 114100080
0 1308090 13080
0 13080100 13080
0 1338011-5 11875
0 128801275
801310 13201010105
801410 95000115
10 129010010015115
1001610 5701010145
1001710 950100165
0 142100180 142165
10 1100101013019165
1302010 960100185
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text