2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 9: Boston University A vs. Clark A

Boston University A


Jaehyun Park3125
Graham Close3030
Jaise King000
Eren Michelet4135
10 bonuses for 140 points (14 PPB)

Clark A


Armand Erban2020
Grace Bramer000
Edward Burns000
Derek Fino4135
6 bonuses for 60 points (10 PPB)

Jaehyun ParkGraham CloseJaise KingEren MicheletBonusesTotalTUArmand ErbanGrace BramerEdward BurnsDerek FinoBonusesTotal
10 88010103010
30310 87010020
10 78010050420
-5 8345510 117001040
45610 120010060
45710 98100080
10 110100065880
10 1301010095980
10 12801001151080
-5 771101110 9900090
10 123100101401290
10 13201001601390
1601410 7801010120
10 780101019016120
19017-5 102115
10 122010021019115
10 72001023020115
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text