2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 9: Amherst A vs. Boston University B

Amherst A


Michael Zheng2210
Richard Lin5050
Kevin Hoff3125
Yvonne Pan3030
13 bonuses for 240 points (18.46 PPB)

Boston University B


Cindy Zhou5050
Ohm Patel000
Hanson Huynh2020
7 bonuses for 40 points (5.71 PPB)

Michael ZhengRichard LinKevin HoffYvonne PanBonusesTotalTUCindy ZhouOhm PatelHanson HuynhBonusesTotal
0110 10300010
10 761010030210
-5 9925310 11400020
25410 66001040
10 4810101065540
10 125100085640
10 9710100115740
10 11010100145840
10 1120100165940
10 130101001951040
-5 711901110 13000050
10 72010102201250
2201310 132001070
10 821010102601470
10 127010102901570
10 12700103101670
3101710 10300080
10 129101003401880
-5 343351910 12201010110
10 100010035520110
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text