2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 6: Brandeis C vs. Tufts A

Brandeis C


Lily Fasciano000
Jack Feinberg4135
Kaitlyn Farrin02-10
Jack Yesner2020
6 bonuses for 40 points (6.67 PPB)

Tufts A


Peter Scully6060
Madeline Straus3030
John Cha1010
Julia Appel3030
13 bonuses for 190 points (14.62 PPB)

Lily FascianoJack FeinbergKaitlyn FarrinJack YesnerBonusesTotalTUPeter ScullyMadeline StrausJohn ChaJulia AppelBonusesTotal
0110 99010020
-5 101-5210 12810101060
-5310 1101010090
-5410 7401010120
-5510 9210100150
10 1071000156150
-5 12510710 136000160
10 1191000308160
30910 9001010190
10 1390004010190
10 1160005011190
10 11410007012190
701310 1160010210
701410 810010230
701510 3801010260
701610 1030100280
10 12110009017280
-5 82851810 1230100300
85190 137300
852010 1260100320
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text