
Note to players: specific answer required. According to Oswald Spengler, these things form when “cultures suddenly become rigid.” Carroll Quigley’s work titled for The Evolution of these things describes a process by which these things convert instruments into institutions. Arnold Toynbee examined 19 of these things in A Study of History. Bernard Lewis predicted a conflict between two of these things in his article “The Roots of Muslim Rage,” which influenced a later work that describes Mexico and Russia (10[1])as “torn” between these things. Political scientist Samuel Huntington is best known for a book responding to Francis Fukuyama in which he posits that future wars will feature a “clash” (10[1])of these things. (10[2])For 10 points, name this term for complex societies, (10[1])such as “ancient” ones (10[1])in Mesopotamia (10[3])and the Indus River Valley. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: civilizations [accept Western civilization]
<Social Science>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Bakhtiyarov KhumoyunA Brandeis SupremeDiamond Brandeis7810
Matthew SiffYale AMIT A10810
Yvonne PanAmherst ABowdoin B11110
Will ZhangTufts BBrandeises Brew11110
EranBU ABowdoin A12010
Rajat SethiNortheastern AYale C12410
Rohan GaneshanHarvard ABrown A12610
Peter ScullyTufts ACarabrandeis12610
Derek FinoClark AYale B12610
Marc GrecoWilliams ABoston University B13210
