Note to players: specific answer required. According to Oswald Spengler, these things form when “cultures suddenly become rigid.” Carroll Quigley’s work titled for The Evolution of these things describes a process by which these things convert instruments into institutions. Arnold Toynbee examined 19 of these things in A Study of History. Bernard Lewis predicted a conflict between two of these things in his article “The Roots of Muslim Rage,” which influenced a later work that describes Mexico and Russia as “torn” between these things. Political scientist Samuel Huntington is best known for a book responding to Francis Fukuyama in which he posits that future wars will feature a “clash” of these things. For 10 points, name this term for complex societies, such as “ancient” ones in Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley. ■END■
ANSWER: civilizations [accept Western civilization]
<Social Science>
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