
In a novel titled for a location in this play, the billionaire Robert Lemoine uses the poison 1080 (10[1])to kill members of a gardening collective. In this play, a member of a group threatens to go to Aleppo to get revenge on a sailor’s wife. This play’s title character says “She should (10[1])have died hereafter” after (10[1])learning of the death of a woman who thinks that character is too full of “the milk (10[1])of human kindness.” (10[1])In this play, a character describes life as “a tale / Told by an idiot” (10[1])in a soliloquy before he notices that a forest appears to be moving. (10[1])This play’s protagonist hears a prophecy about a time (10[1])when “Birnam Wood… shall come against him” (10[1])from the Weird Sisters. (10[1])For 10 points, name this tragedy by Shakespeare about the killer of King Duncan, set in Scotland. ■END■

ANSWER: Macbeth [or The Tragedy of Macbeth] (The novel in the first line is Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton.)
<British Literature>
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Sohum SukhatankarHarvard ABrown A7210
Yrwin BatanMIT AYale A7510
Ethan YoungWilliams ABoston University B9010
Madeline StrausTufts ACarabrandeis10310
Kevin ZhengYale CNortheastern A11210
Douglas LillyTufts BBrandeises Brew11910
EvanBowdoin ABU A12310