2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 6: Brandeis B vs. Tufts B

Brandeis B


William Barash2020
Max Wood3125
5 bonuses for 50 points (10 PPB)

Tufts B


Ethan Siskel1010
Will Zhang3125
Francis Powell3125
Dylan Tanouye4135
Douglas Lilly1010
12 bonuses for 180 points (15 PPB)

William BarashMax WoodBonusesTotalTUEthan SiskelWill ZhangFrancis PowellDylan TanouyeDouglas LillyBonusesTotal
0110 6110101040
10 1291000202-5 11335
10 1171010050335
10 128010070435
70510 1001010065
70610 69100085
707-5 12880
70810 10210010110
0 125709-5 65105
701010 100000115
-5 6165110 117115
651210 1230100135
651310 1141000155
10 11600108514155
10 960009515155
951610 1190010175
951710 11510010205
951810 12401010235
951910 1160100255
952010 11110010285
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text