2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 6: Amherst A vs. Bowdoin B

Amherst A


Yvonne Pan115
Kevin Hoff2115
Michael Zheng9090
Richard Lin3030
15 bonuses for 230 points (15.33 PPB)

Bowdoin B


Johann Xu000
Nate Kodama2020
Graham Lucas1010
3 bonuses for 20 points (6.67 PPB)

Yvonne PanKevin HoffMichael ZhengRichard LinBonusesTotalTUJohann XuNate KodamaGraham LucasBonusesTotal
0110 102010020
10 116100020220
10 471010050320
10 121010070420
10 10310100100520
100610 10700030
10 1030010120730
10 13510100150830
10 8801010180930
10 93100102101030
-5 101205110 11730
2051210 112010050
-5 43200130 14450
10 10810002201450
10 12700102401550
10 17100102701650
10 12200102901750
10 72101003201850
10 102100103501950
10 11101003702050
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text