2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 3: Northeastern A vs. Tufts B

Tufts B


Douglas Lilly1010
Will Zhang4040
Francis Powell2020
Ethan Siskel3030
10 bonuses for 160 points (16 PPB)

Northeastern A


Rajat Sethi8365
Rishi Koduri000
8 bonuses for 60 points (7.5 PPB)

Douglas LillyWill ZhangFrancis PowellEthan SiskelBonusesTotalTURajat SethiRishi KoduriBonusesTotal
0110 1381010030
0210 12600040
0310 14500050
10 1120101030450
30510 11700060
10 11401010606-5 6655
10 1200101090755
10 5801001108-5 5350
10 13210100140950
10 7200101601050
10 131101001901150
190120 13750
1901410 80010070
10 78010102201570
10 10710002401670
10 135010026017-5 10765
2601810 981001095
2601910 126000105
2602010 680100125
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text