
Radio-frequency types of these devices can be made with the Ayrton-Perry winding method. The MELF type of these devices are used over normal surface mount examples of them when higher performance is needed. Preventing floating pins from appearing on a microcontroller can be accomplished with the “pull-up” and “pull-down” types of these (10[1])devices. (-5[1])Rheostats (-5[1])and potentiometers are variable examples (10[1])of these (10[1])circuit elements, (10[1])whose strength and tolerance are often indicated with a series (10[1])of up to six parallel colored bands. (10[3])An ideal voltmeter would behave as an infinitely strong one of these circuit elements, which are usually symbolized with a jagged line. For 10 points, name these circuit elements that oppose the flow of electrical (10[1])current. (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: resistors [accept RF resistors or MELF resistors or pull-up resistors or pull-down resistors or surface mount resistors]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ragulan SivakumarMIT ACarabrandeis5110
Richard LinAmherst ADiamond Brandeis52-5
Rajat SethiNortheastern ATufts B53-5
Douglas LillyTufts BNortheastern A5810
Max NealHarvard AYale C6010
Graham CloseBoston University AA Brandeis Supreme6210
Philip YaoBrown ABrandeises Brew7210
EvanBowdoin ABowdoin B7910
Matthew SiffYale ATufts A7910
Peter NelsonYale BWilliams A7910
Cindy ZhouBoston University BClark A11410
Christopher DechDiamond BrandeisAmherst A11610