
This native of Mulhouse (“muh-LOOZE”) had his innocence defended by fellow Alsatian (“al-SAY-shun”) Auguste Scheurer-Kestner, who told the French Senate that “the truth always wins in the end.” For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this French Jew who was accused of treasonously handing secrets to the Germans in an 1894 affair, after which Émile Zola defended him in the letter J'Accuse…! (“zhah-KOOZ”).
ANSWER: Alfred Dreyfus [accept Dreyfus Affair]
[10h] The Alsatian Jewish Javal (“zha-VAL”) family created the company Houbigant (“oo-bee-GAHN”) to sell this product. Pierre Wertheimer (“VAIR-tye-mur”) financed a company that primarily sells this product, which was seized by a Nazi spy who took part in Operation Model Hat.
ANSWER: perfume [or eau de parfum; accept fragrances; accept cologne; accept Houbigant Parfum; accept Parfums Chanel; accept Chanel No. 5; prompt on Chanel or Coco Chanel or Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel; prompt on or fashion]
[10m] Another descendant of an Alsatian Jew was the historian Marc Bloch (“block”), who founded this French school of history that studied the longue durée (“long du-RAY”) and included author Fernand Braudel.
ANSWER: Annales (“ah-NAL”) school [or École des Annales]
<European History>

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