2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 3: Tufts A vs. Yale A

Tufts A


Peter Scully1010
Madeline Straus1010
Julia Appel000
John Cha01-5
2 bonuses for 20 points (10 PPB)

Yale A


William Orr4135
Matthew Siff121115
Yixi Yang1010
17 bonuses for 330 points (19.41 PPB)

Peter ScullyMadeline StrausJulia AppelJohn ChaBonusesTotalTUWilliam OrrMatthew SiffYixi YangBonusesTotal
0110 6410101040
0210 561010070
0 14503-5 4765
0410 750101095
0510 1020010115
0610 4201010145
10 620100207145
20810 7901010175
20910 5701010205
201010 6010100235
201110 11410010265
201210 4510100295
201310 9410100325
201410 9401010355
10 9810004015-5 70350
401610 61101010390
-5 48351710 1351000410
351810 10301010440
351910 7910100470
352010 670010490
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text