2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 2: Harvard A vs. Tufts A

Tufts A


Peter Scully000
Julia Appel1010
John Cha2020
Madeline Straus000
3 bonuses for 30 points (10 PPB)

Harvard A


Max Neal3030
Sohum Sukhatankar5240
Rohan Ganeshan7070
Chloe Chow115
16 bonuses for 320 points (20 PPB)

Peter ScullyJulia AppelJohn ChaMadeline StrausBonusesTotalTUMax NealSohum SukhatankarRohan GaneshanChloe ChowBonusesTotal
0110 990101030
02-5 4925
0310 10210101065
10 1090100204-5 6260
20510 871001090
20610 6310010120
20710 710010140
20810 830100160
10 840010409160
401010 3010100190
401110 61101010230
10 13310006012-5 72225
601310 3310100255
601410 8401010285
601510 610010305
601610 90101010345
601710 4810010375
601810 30101010415
601910 5910010445
602010 1100100465
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text