
“Floating” examples of these things include the definite article in the Bambara language. The loss of murmured consonants has led to the development of these things (10[1])in Punjabi, one of the only Indo-European languages (10[1])to use them. (10[1])The (-5[1])English-derived Krio developed these features through contact with sub-Saharan African languages, (-5[1])which tend to use these features. Variations in these features (10[1])are described by downdrift, (-5[1])one example of which (10[2])is their namesake “terracing.” An orthographic system devised by Chao uses reversed characters to indicate sandhi like the “3-3 rule.” An acute accent represents the first, or rising, one of these things (10[1])in Pinyin. For 10 points, name these linguistic features that use pitch to distinguish meaning. ■END■ (10[3])

ANSWER: tones [accept floating tones; accept Chao tone letters; accept tone sandhi; accept tone terracing]
<Social Science>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jem BurchYale BA Brandeis Supreme2510
Sohum SukhatankarHarvard ATufts A3310
Derek FinoClark AAmherst A3610
Sovannjet LimMIT AYale C37-5
Max WoodBrandeises BrewNortheastern A48-5
Eren MicheletBoston University ABowdoin B5810
Jack FeinbergCarabrandeisTufts B62-5
Matthew SiffYale ABrown A6610
MarkWilliams ADiamond Brandeis6610
Evan LuccaBowdoin ABU B9810
Will ZhangTufts BCarabrandeis11410
Rajat SethiNortheastern ABrandeises Brew11410
Kevin ZhengYale CMIT A11410