
Karl Polanyi’s argument that these events were more impactful because “the Indian village community had been demolished” is quoted in a 2000 book by historian Mike Davis about these events in the “Late Victorian” era. Richard Temple organized a successful response to one of these events in Bihar in 1874. These events have “never occurred in a functioning democracy” (10[1])according to Amartya (10[1])Sen. (10[2])The ENSO phenomenon and laissez-faire (10[1])trade policies exacerbated a “Great” one of these events (10[1]-5[1])in southern India that began in 1876. Winston Churchill has been heavily criticized for the sparsity of aid offered during one of these (10[1])events (10[2])in Bengal during World War II. For 10 points, name these events, one of which occurred in Ireland (10[1])due to a potato blight. ■END■

ANSWER: famines [or food shortages; accept Bihar famine or Bengal famine or Great Famine of 1876–1878 or Southern India famine of 1876–1878 or Madras famine of 1877; accept Irish potato famine or Great Hunger or Great Famine or an Gorta Mór; accept Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World; prompt on droughts; prompt on Late Victorian Holocausts]
<World History>
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Derek FinoClark AAmherst A5810
Sohum SukhatankarHarvard ATufts A6110
Jaehyun ParkBoston University ABowdoin B6210
Matthew SiffYale ABrown A6210
MarkWilliams ADiamond Brandeis6710
Andrew MessersmithA Brandeis SupremeYale B76-5
Evan LuccaBowdoin ABU B7610
Kevin ZhengYale CMIT A9910
Will ZhangTufts BCarabrandeis10010
Max WoodBrandeises BrewNortheastern A10010
Lukas KoutsoukosYale BA Brandeis Supreme11810