
Over 85 percent of these ecosystems have disappeared over the past 200 years due to overfishing of their namesake species, including C. virginica and O. lurida. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name these ecosystems whose namesake organisms can break storms and provide habitats for other benthic organisms. The presence of spat indicates the health of these ecosystems, which centrally form at estuaries.
ANSWER: oyster reefs [or oyster beds or oyster banks or oyster bottoms or oyster bars; prompt on reefs or banks or bottoms or bars; reject “coral reefs”]
[10e] Spat refers to oyster larvae after they attach to surfaces, including these structures. Oysters and other mollusks like snails or clams form examples of these exoskeleton structures.
ANSWER: seashells
[10m] Oyster filter feeding promotes primary productivity by reducing this quantity in the surrounding environment. This quantity is often measured using Secchi disks.
ANSWER: turbidity [prompt on answers that indicate the cloudiness or haziness or clarity of the water]

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Yale BA Brandeis Supreme010010
Amherst AClark A010010
Bowdoin BBoston University A10101030
Bowdoin ABU B010010
Yale ABrown A0101020
Tufts BCarabrandeis001010
Diamond BrandeisWilliams A010010
Northeastern ABrandeises Brew0000
Harvard ATufts A0101020
Yale CMIT A010010