2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 2: Brandeis C vs. Tufts B

Brandeis C


Jack Feinberg115
Kaitlyn Farrin115
Lily Fasciano000
Jack Yesner2210
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

Tufts B


Will Zhang9090
Douglas Lilly1010
Dylan Tanouye235
Francis Powell1010
13 bonuses for 150 points (11.54 PPB)

Jack FeinbergKaitlyn FarrinLily FascianoJack YesnerBonusesTotalTUWill ZhangDouglas LillyDylan TanouyeFrancis PowellBonusesTotal
10 11100102010
20210 77100020
0 13820320
20410 66010040
10 90100040540
40610 62001060
40710 53001080
40810 730100100
-5 2935910 1100010120
-5 8130100 129120
301110 1001000140
301210 12610100170
-5 62251310 1141000190
0 1352514-5 73185
-5 101201510 11410100215
201610 1160010235
10 14200104017-5 128230
401810 870100250
10 13610006019-5 121245
602010 1430100265
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text