2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 2: Boston University A vs. Bowdoin B

Boston University A


Jaehyun Park2115
Graham Close2115
Jaise King115
Eren Michelet7260
12 bonuses for 180 points (15 PPB)

Bowdoin B


Graham Lucas6155
Johann Xu000
Nate Kodama000
6 bonuses for 60 points (10 PPB)

Jaehyun ParkGraham CloseJaise KingEren MicheletBonusesTotalTUGraham LucasJohann XuNate KodamaBonusesTotal
10 11100102010
10 87101005020
10 8901007040
10 821001010050
10 115001012060
-5 50115710 1080101030
10 11610100145830
-5 7140910 11900040
-5 911351010 12900050
10 62101001651150
1651210 61100070
10 58010101951370
-5 1041901410 134101010110
10 114001021015-5 66105
10 850101024016105
10 107100026017105
2601810 92000115
-5 12125519115
10 133100027520115
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text