2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 2: Amherst A vs. Clark A

Amherst A


Michael Zheng2210
Richard Lin7070
Kevin Hoff3030
Yvonne Pan115
13 bonuses for 250 points (19.23 PPB)

Clark A


Grace Bramer000
Edward Burns000
Derek Fino5145
Armand Erban000
5 bonuses for 70 points (14 PPB)

Michael ZhengRichard LinKevin HoffYvonne PanBonusesTotalTUGrace BramerEdward BurnsDerek FinoArmand ErbanBonusesTotal
10 10000102010
-5 6215210 11010101040
10 11010101055340
10 731001085440
85510 102001060
10 8901010115660
115710 71010080
10 11601010145880
10 118101001759-5 5575
10 911010102151075
2151110 58100095
-5 29210120 7295
2101310 360100115
-5 118205140 135115
10 82010022515115
10 811001025516115
10 111010028517115
10 96100030518115
10 490101033519115
10 1431001036520115
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text