2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 2: Brandeis A vs. Yale B

Brandeis A


Andrew Messersmith235
Jonathan Schnipper1010
Khumoyun Bakhtiyarov115
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Yale B


Jem Burch3220
Peter Nelson5145
Lukas Koutsoukos5050
13 bonuses for 230 points (17.69 PPB)

Andrew MessersmithJonathan SchnipperKhumoyun BakhtiyarovBonusesTotalTUJem BurchPeter NelsonLukas KoutsoukosBonusesTotal
0110 111001020
0210 121010050
03-5 12345
0410 70010065
-5 64-5510 1331001095
10 95001015695
10 73001035795
35810 1020100115
-5 3530910 11901010145
3010-5 105140
-5 76251110 11810100170
10 126101005512170
551310 251000190
551410 97101010230
-5 69501510 1040100250
10 8100107016250
701710 118101010290
701810 7010010320
7019-5 95315
702010 11901010345
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text