2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 1: Clark A vs. Brandeis D

Brandeis D


Christopher Dech8175
8 bonuses for 60 points (7.5 PPB)

Clark A


Armand Erban000
Grace Bramer000
Edward Burns000
Derek Fino7165
7 bonuses for 90 points (12.86 PPB)

Christopher DechBonusesTotalTUArmand ErbanGrace BramerEdward BurnsDerek FinoBonusesTotal
10 6700102010
20210 112010020
0 1182030 11820
0 1302040 13020
20510 124001040
10 10500030640
0 14830740
10 12100040840
10 149010060940
601010 90010060
0 1106011-5 10255
601210 971010085
10 891000801385
10 10701001001485
10 6501001201585
1201610 12410100115
1201710 4401010145
10 144100014018145
1401910 88000155
-5 113135200 114155
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text