
According to Edmund von Lippman, the invention of the three-cylinder mill in this region revived its sugar industry. Frederick II instituted a monopoly on the grain trade to this region via a legal code called the Liber Augustalis. The Kalbid dynasty introduced (10[1])oranges and lemons to this region, which was once part of the Fatimid Caliphate. (-5[2])John of Procida was involved in a revolt in this region between Peter of Aragon and Charles of Anjou. This island was conquered under (-5[1])the leadership of Roger Bosso and the Hauteville scion Robert (-5[1])Guiscard, and was the site of an Eastertide revolt that broke out against the French. (-5[1])For (-5[1])10 points, a blend of Norman and Arab culture emerged on what island, (10[1])where a 1282 “Vespers” revolt (10[2])broke (10[1])out in Palermo? (10[2])■END■ (10[2]0[2])

ANSWER: Sicily [or Sicilia; accept War of the Sicilian Vespers; accept County of Sicily; accept Kingdom of Sicily; accept Emirate of Sicily; accept Fatimid Sicily; prompt on Mezzogiorno or Southern Italy or Italian Republic or Repubblica Italiana; reject “Kingdom of the Two Sicilies”]
<European History>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
KevinAmherst AYale B4110
Marc GrecoWilliams ABoston University A55-5
Andrew MessersmithA Brandeis SupremeBowdoin A55-5
MaaxHarvard AMIT79-5
Roger ChennYale CYale A89-5
Francis PowellTufts BBrown A104-5
Rajat SethiNortheastern ACarabrandeis105-5
Jaehyun ParkBoston University AWilliams A11810
YrwinMITHarvard A12310
Matthew SiffYale AYale C12310
Derek FinoClark ADiamond Brandeis12410
Max WoodBrandeises BrewTufts A12710
Ryan LeeBrown ATufts B12710
Evan LuccaBowdoin AA Brandeis Supreme12810
Hanson HuynhBU BBowdoin B1280
Graham LucasBowdoin BBU B1280
Jack FeinbergCarabrandeisNortheastern A12810