
Melodies for this instrument gradually rise in pitch in a style of music that includes vuelie (“voo-ay-LEE”) and luohti (“loo-OH-tee”) styles. This is the primary instrument used by shamans called noaidi in the Sámi musical form joik (“YO-eek”). Two women standing face-to-face use this instrument in Inuit (10[1])katajjaq performances. Caroline Shaw was accused of cultural appropriation in her Partita for eight of (10[1])these (10[1])instruments. (10[1])Performers suppress the fundamental pitch to allow (10[1])overtones to dominate in a musical style for this instrument called khöömei, which originated in (10[2])Tuva. Performers of an alpine musical form for this instrument characteristically jump the passaggio, the break between this (10[1])instrument’s “chest” and “head” registers. For 10 points, name this “instrument” used by yodelers, which is unaccompanied in a (10[1])cappella (10[1])ensembles. ■END■

ANSWER: human voice [accept singing; accept chanting; accept vocal music]
<Classical Music>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Derek FinoClark ADiamond Brandeis4410
RohanHarvard AMIT5910
RichardAmherst AYale B6010
Will ZhangTufts BBrown A6110
Matthew SiffYale AYale C6810
Madeline StrausTufts ABrandeises Brew8310
Eren MicheletBoston University AWilliams A8310
Evan LuccaBowdoin AA Brandeis Supreme10210
Rajat SethiNortheastern ACarabrandeis12110
Graham LucasBowdoin BBU B12210