2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 1: Yale A vs. Yale C

Yale A


William Orr5240
Matthew Siff6250
Yixi Yang2020
13 bonuses for 240 points (18.46 PPB)

Yale C


Jiayi Liao1010
Kevin Zheng3030
Roger Chenn115
Andres Cordoba000
5 bonuses for 30 points (6 PPB)

William OrrMatthew SiffYixi YangBonusesTotalTUJiayi LiaoKevin ZhengRoger ChennAndres CordobaBonusesTotal
-5 63-510 1290
-5 30-10210 125001020
-10310 6700030
10 118001010430
10 12310010405-5 8925
40610 81010045
10 640101070745
10 3810100100845
10 4910100130945
10 75100101601045
-5 92155110 11045
10 4401001751245
10 7101001951345
10 54101002251445
2251510 8600055
10 109101002551655
10 68010102851755
-5 1022801810 144010075
10 671010103201975
10 112010103502075
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text