2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 1: Brandeis B vs. Tufts A

Brandeis B


William Barash4040
Max Wood1010
5 bonuses for 40 points (8 PPB)

Tufts A


Julia Appel6060
John Cha115
Peter Scully4135
Madeline Straus2020
13 bonuses for 180 points (13.85 PPB)

William BarashMax WoodBonusesTotalTUJulia AppelJohn ChaPeter ScullyMadeline StrausBonusesTotal
10 1280010201-5 71-5
20210 72001015
2030 11815
2040 13015
10 12700030515
10 102010050615
50710 118010035
50810 71010055
50910 129010075
10 12401007010-5 1370
701110 72100090
701210 830100110
10 14101009013110
901410 7910100140
901510 64101010180
901610 11210100210
901710 830010230
901810 14310100260
901910 8810010290
902010 143000300
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text