2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 1: Brandeis A vs. Bowdoin A

Bowdoin A


Evan Lucca6155
Richard Lim5050
Riley Roessler1010
Nick Enbar-Salo000
12 bonuses for 130 points (10.83 PPB)

Brandeis A


Jonathan Schnipper3220
Andrew Messersmith120
Khumoyun Bakhtiyarov2020
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

Evan LuccaRichard LimRiley RoesslerNick Enbar-SaloBonusesTotalTUJonathan SchnipperAndrew MessersmithKhumoyun BakhtiyarovBonusesTotal
0110 930101030
10 1250010202-5 6525
10 66001040325
10 13000050425
10 1280100705-5 5520
70610 122010040
10 94010090740
10 13501001108-5 12735
110910 129100055
10 8801001301055
1301210 441010085
10 147010015013-5 8680
10 93101001801480
1801510 6510100110
10 125001020016110
10 102010022017110
10 1261001025018110
2501910 51000120
-5 8324520120
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text