2024 ACF Winter at Brandeis

Round 1: Boston University A vs. Williams A

Boston University A


Jaehyun Park1010
Graham Close6155
Jaise King000
Eren Michelet6060
13 bonuses for 150 points (11.54 PPB)

Williams A


Ethan Young240
Marc Greco3125
5 bonuses for 40 points (8 PPB)

Jaehyun ParkGraham CloseJaise KingEren MicheletBonusesTotalTUEthan YoungMarc GrecoBonusesTotal
10 65010103010
10 1120100502-5 66-5
10 108000603-5
10 1300010804-5 94-10
10 11801001005-5 55-15
10 10501001206-15
10 118101001507-15
10 12301001708-15
170910 12910005
1701010 100010025
17011-5 9220
10 1101010020012-5 8615
10 900002101315
10 11101002301415
2301510 43100035
-5 1092251610 134001055
10 83101002551755
10 5910002751955
2752010 11300065
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text