2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 10: Cambridge D vs. Imperial B

Imperial B


Charlie Lowman3030
Gus Redding2115
Joseph Collins3030
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Cambridge D


Alessandro d'Attanasio2115
Ben Atchison3125
Percy Yuen2210
Piers Marchant4040
11 bonuses for 170 points (15.45 PPB)

Charlie LowmanGus ReddingJoseph CollinsBonusesTotalTUAlessandro d'AttanasioBen AtchisonPercy YuenPiers MarchantBonusesTotal
0 133010
10 93100103020
30310 62010020
10 1221000504-5 10615
-5 11945510 134010035
10 1180010656-5 10330
65710 6410101070
65810 128100090
10 37001085990
851010 8910010120
10 99010010511120
1051210 6410100150
10 130010012513-5 95145
1251410 1130100165
1251510 941000185
10 1261001015516-5 85180
1551710 830100200
1551810 8901010230
1551910 14210100260
10 100010017520260
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text