
By losing a game of senet, this member of the Theban triad allowed for the creation of the Egyptian intercalary days. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this Egyptian god that gambled away a portion of his light to create five extra days, giving Nut time to give birth to her children.
ANSWER: Khonsu [or Konshu or Chonsu]
[10e] This Egyptian god gambled with Khonsu to create the Egyptian intercalary days. This god of wisdom and science is typically depicted with an ibis head.
[10h] Thoth was syncretized with Hermes into this figure, who is credited with a set of alchemical texts that include the Emerald Tablet. This figure inspired the tradition of Hermeticism during late antiquity and the Renaissance.
ANSWER: Hermes Trismegistus [or Hermes the Thrice-Greatest]

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