
A metaphor from this text about beads on a necklace is often cited in non-dualist arguments. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this sacred Hindu text that describes 3 forms of “yoga,” or union. J. Robert Oppenheimer conflated time and death when quoting “Now I am become Death” from this text.
ANSWER: Bhagavad Gītā [reject “Bhagavatam”]
[10m] Original-language term required. Another metaphor in the Bhagavad Gītā compares one of these places and a “knower” to Brahman and a realized soul. Arjuna refuses to fight at one of these places named for the Kuru clan.
ANSWER: kshetra [accept kshetrajna; accept Kurukshetra]
[10h] This non-dualist Hindu theologian wrote a commentary of the Bhagavad Gītā promoting Advaita Vedanta. This theologian’s school rivaled the dualist Madhvācārya and the qualified non-dualist Ramanuja.
ANSWER: Adi Shankara [or Ādi Śaṅkara; or Śaṅkarācārya]

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