2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 10: Oxford B vs. Southampton A

Oxford B


Oliver Beeby1010
Matthew Turner1010
Paige Crawley3030
Ben Watson5050
10 bonuses for 200 points (20 PPB)

Southampton A


Zayyan Mahmood3030
Cormac Stephenson3125
Christian Sherrington2115
Zosia Mikolajczuk2020
10 bonuses for 130 points (13 PPB)

Oliver BeebyMatthew TurnerPaige CrawleyBen WatsonBonusesTotalTUZayyan MahmoodCormac StephensonChristian SherringtonZosia MikolajczukBonusesTotal
0110 691001030
0210 46010050
10 99101010403-5 3945
10 93010060445
60510 130001065
60610 10600075
60710 74100095
10 880101090895
90910 761000115
10 94010011010115
10 570101014011115
1401210 530100135
10 13010101018013-5 76130
10 103100020014130
10 261001023015130
2301610 1260100150
10 1050101026017150
2601810 120101010190
2601910 14110100220
10 9810101030020220
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text