2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 10: Durham A vs. Warwick A

Durham A


Tom Haines4230
Hamish Campbell1010
Aisling Skeet3030
Bella Thomas2020
10 bonuses for 150 points (15 PPB)

Warwick A


Chris Levesley1010
Odysseas Gabrielatos3030
Lucas Johns2115
Adsayan Ganesh3125
9 bonuses for 100 points (11.11 PPB)

Tom HainesHamish CampbellAisling SkeetBella ThomasBonusesTotalTUChris LevesleyOdysseas GabrielatosLucas JohnsAdsayan GaneshBonusesTotal
10 72100103020
10 10301005030
10 3810007040
70510 1041010030
70610 89001050
10 5900080750
10 1221000100850
10 4210010130950
1301010 99100070
1301110 135010090
10 1011010101701290
-5 801651310 1290100110
1651410 1070100130
10 1281010019515-5 33125
10 1071001022516125
2251710 900100145
-5 892201810 1300100165
10 144010024019-5 49160
2402010 570100180
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text