2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 10: Cambridge B vs. Cambridge C

Cambridge B


Andrei Hui4040
Ben LaFond4135
Linus Luu115
Rachel Bentham1010
10 bonuses for 210 points (21 PPB)

Cambridge C


Alex Baker2115
Arvin Boraghi5050
Ian McDowell2020
Sarah Henderson1010
10 bonuses for 170 points (17 PPB)

Andrei HuiBen LaFondLinus LuuRachel BenthamBonusesTotalTUAlex BakerArvin BoraghiIan McDowellSarah HendersonBonusesTotal
0110 681001030
0210 6110101070
10 981000203-5 3865
20410 101010085
10 8910101060585
60610 390100105
60710 591000125
10 1170010808125
80910 2310010155
10 101010010010155
10 5510101014011155
-5 761351210 1110100175
-5 781301310 13010100205
1301410 431000225
10 5010101017015225
10 118010019016225
10 5110101023017225
2301810 89101010265
10 911010026019265
10 4910101030020265
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text