2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 10: Bristol A vs. Manchester A

Bristol A


Kevin Flanagan2115
Ted Warner2020
Rick Line1010
Lewys Jenkins1010
6 bonuses for 110 points (18.33 PPB)

Manchester A


Kai Madgwick100100
Nathan Easow4135
Enoch Boateng000
Yashika Bhatra000
14 bonuses for 220 points (15.71 PPB)

Kevin FlanaganTed WarnerRick LineLewys JenkinsBonusesTotalTUKai MadgwickNathan EasowEnoch BoatengYashika BhatraBonusesTotal
0110 771001030
0210 611010060
10 321001030360
-5 10925410 1221010090
25510 820010110
10 3910100556110
55710 461000130
55810 1060010150
55910 4110100180
551010 960100200
551110 620100220
10 111101008512220
10 7610101012513220
10 127100014514-5 43215
1451510 8010010245
1451610 11801010275
1451710 830100295
10 83100016518295
1651910 1260100315
1652010 66101010355
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text