2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 9: Cambridge D vs. Durham A

Durham A


Aisling Skeet4135
Hamish Campbell3125
Bella Thomas000
Tom Haines3220
10 bonuses for 140 points (14 PPB)

Cambridge D


Percy Yuen1010
Alessandro d'Attanasio5240
Piers Marchant3030
Ben Atchison000
9 bonuses for 110 points (12.22 PPB)

Aisling SkeetHamish CampbellBella ThomasTom HainesBonusesTotalTUPercy YuenAlessandro d'AttanasioPiers MarchantBen AtchisonBonusesTotal
10 1050001010
10210 500101030
10 136001030330
-5 10725410 1241001060
25510 71010080
10 9410101065680
65710 1310100100
10 6910010958100
95910 851000120
951010 1010100140
10 681010012511140
10 112001014512-5 80135
10 78010016513135
-5 651601410 990100155
10 1271010019015155
10 76010021016155
-5 46205170 124155
2051810 1090100175
10 127010022519-5 68170
-5 802202010 1150100190
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text