
Inspired by Frederick the Great, this novel’s protagonist adopts the personal motto “Hold fast.” Digressive evocations of the Socratic dialogue Phaedrus appear in this novel, whose protagonist witnesses a sunrise fraught with references to Greek mythology. After boarding a boat, a character in this novel is repulsed after realizing (10[1])that an old man is wearing a wig and makeup to blend in. (10[2])A jester (10[1])claims that “the sirocco is oppressive” in this novella in response to a question about disinfecting procedures, (10[1])which are actually in place because of a cholera epidemic. (-5[1])While trying to follow the Polish boy Tadzio, (10[1])this novella’s (10[1])protagonist dies after (10[1])eating overripe (10[1])strawberries. For 10 points, name this novella depicting writer Gustav von Aschenbach’s visit to the title city, by Thomas Mann. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: Death in Venice [or Der Tod in Venedig]
<European Literature>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andre WongLSE ACambridge C4810
Justin KeungImperial ACambridge A6110
Andrei HuiCambridge BBristol A6110
Gavin MarkoffVanderbiltLSE B6310
Omer KeskinOxford AManchester8010
Chris LevesleyWarwick ASouthampton B90-5
Matteo FrondutiDurham BWarwick B9810
Benjamin WatsonOxford BImperial B10010
James CarrigyEdinburghBristol B10310
Haemish CampbellDurham ACam D10510
Edward FogelBirminghamSouthampton A12610
Michael WuSouthampton BWarwick A12610