2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 9: Durham B vs. Warwick B

Warwick B


Josh Howarth2115
Lucy Dennett2020
Danny Fisher2115
George Purkiss3030
9 bonuses for 100 points (11.11 PPB)

Durham B


Sophie Hughes3030
Matteo Fronduti115
Amelia Rees3125
7 bonuses for 70 points (10 PPB)

Josh HowarthLucy DennettDanny FisherGeorge PurkissBonusesTotalTUSophie HughesMatteo FrondutiAmelia ReesBonusesTotal
0110 98010020
0210 9000030
10 129001020330
10 12610010504-5 11425
50510 126010045
50610 1101010075
10 1231010080775
80810 105100095
-5 557590 11995
751010 1021000115
10 640008511115
10 1121010011512115
-5 681101310 1190010135
10 78010013014135
10 13300014015-5 117130
0 129140160 129130
10 64010016017130
10 84010018019130
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text