2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 9: Southampton B vs. Warwick A

Warwick A


Adsayan Ganesh2020
Lucas Johns115
Odysseas Gabrielatos5050
Chris Levesley2115
10 bonuses for 140 points (14 PPB)

Southampton B


Joel Dicker000
Mata Cooper01-5
Michael Wu8080
Benedykt Chodzko-Zajko1010
9 bonuses for 160 points (17.78 PPB)

Adsayan GaneshLucas JohnsOdysseas GabrielatosChris LevesleyBonusesTotalTUJoel DickerMata CooperMichael WuBenedykt Chodzko-ZajkoBonusesTotal
-5 90-5110 1261010030
10 93001015230
10 127001035330
10 1241001065430
65510 681010060
0 121656-5 2355
65710 1171010085
65810 970100105
10 951000859105
10 98100010510105
10 93010012511105
10 720101015512105
10 770101018513105
1851410 880100125
1851510 6310100155
-5 911801610 12910100185
10 102010020017185
2001810 1100100205
2001910 64101010245
10 1151010023020245
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text