2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 9: LSE B vs. Vanderbilt A

Vanderbilt A


Gavin Markoff162150
16 bonuses for 230 points (14.38 PPB)



Ryan Sharpe2020
David Worley115
Leo Taussig1010
Wenyue Zhu01-5
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

Gavin MarkoffBonusesTotalTURyan SharpeDavid WorleyLeo TaussigWenyue ZhuBonusesTotal
10 6301002010
10 9300104020
10 11700106030
10 87100109040
10 68010011050
-5 87105610 120010020
10 9701010135720
10 100101010175820
10 871000195920
10 1210101022510-5 9315
10 119010102551115
10 1050002651215
-5 802601310 11800025
2601410 871010055
10 95101002901555
10 12801003101655
3101710 102010075
10 10901003301875
10 1270101036019-5 5970
10 5100103802070
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text