2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 9: Manchester A vs. Oxford A

Oxford A


Delia Cropper4040
Eveline Ong1010
Omer Keskin6345
Ved Muthusamy2115
13 bonuses for 310 points (23.85 PPB)

Manchester A


Enoch Boateng115
Kai Madgwick3125
Nathan Easow2020
Yashika Bhatra000
6 bonuses for 110 points (18.33 PPB)

Delia CropperEveline OngOmer KeskinVed MuthusamyBonusesTotalTUEnoch BoatengKai MadgwickNathan EasowYashika BhatraBonusesTotal
10 80101003010
10 501010107020
10 11910101011030
10 126100101404-5 67-5
10 65101001705-5
-5 88165610 1201010025
10 66101010205725
205810 60100045
-5 58200910 118100065
10 34010102301065
2301110 680101095
10 771010102701295
-5 672651310 11810100125
10 125100028514-5 54120
2851510 127101010160
-5 9128016160
10 271010031017160
10 4110101035018160
10 570101038019160
10 5110101042020160
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text