2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 3: Bristol B vs. Oxford B

Bristol B


Jacob Taylor000
Josie Scott-Fleming000
Lily Morris1010
Robert Ballantyne4135
5 bonuses for 50 points (10 PPB)

Oxford B


Ben Watson6060
Matthew Turner1010
Oliver Beeby1010
Paige Crawley6060
14 bonuses for 230 points (16.43 PPB)

Jacob TaylorJosie Scott-FlemingLily MorrisRobert BallantyneBonusesTotalTUBen WatsonMatthew TurnerOliver BeebyPaige CrawleyBonusesTotal
0110 870101030
0210 401001060
10 11700010360
10410 60001080
10510 11810100110
10 1260100306110
30710 830100130
10 890100508130
50910 129101010170
501010 650100190
-5 294511190
451210 730100210
451310 9010100240
10 79010107514240
10 7410009515240
951610 8401010270
951710 440100290
951810 1431000310
951910 7601010340
952010 6810010370
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text