2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 3: Cambridge D vs. Oxford A

Oxford A


Delia Cropper4040
Omer Keskin8365
Eveline Ong1010
Ved Muthusamy1010
14 bonuses for 320 points (22.86 PPB)

Cambridge D


Percy Yuen115
Ben Atchison1010
Alessandro d'Attanasio3030
Piers Marchant1010
6 bonuses for 90 points (15 PPB)

Delia CropperOmer KeskinEveline OngVed MuthusamyBonusesTotalTUPercy YuenBen AtchisonAlessandro d'AttanasioPiers MarchantBonusesTotal
10 82010103010
-5 4325210 1250101030
25310 52001050
10 5610101065450
-5 7860510 128010070
10 85101010100670
100710 5410100100
10 10101001208100
120910 541000120
10 95010014010120
10 971010017011120
10 7310101021012120
10 7810101025013120
10 341010028014120
-5 602751510 12401010150
10 421010030516150
10 6710101034517150
10 11710101038518150
10 541001041519150
10 1510101044520-5 75145
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text