2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 3: Cambridge C vs. Imperial A

Imperial A


Justin Lee6060
Owen Iredale000
Justin Keung1010
Oscar O'Flanagan3220
10 bonuses for 190 points (19 PPB)

Cambridge C


Alex Baker2020
Arvin Boraghi2020
Sarah Henderson2020
Ian McDowell3030
9 bonuses for 200 points (22.22 PPB)

Justin LeeOwen IredaleJustin KeungOscar O'FlanaganBonusesTotalTUAlex BakerArvin BoraghiSarah HendersonIan McDowellBonusesTotal
10 8000102010
-5 3015210 950101030
10 70010035330
35410 9110101070
10 4210101075570
75610 8210100100
10 52101001057100
10 103101001358100
135910 13401010130
1351010 4610100160
0 110135110 110160
10 1001010016512160
1651310 890100180
10 820101019514180
10 4310101023515180
10 620101026516180
2651710 45101010220
-5 992601810 14410010250
10 51001028019250
2802010 68101010290
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text