2024 ACF Winter at Oxford

Round 3: Cambridge B vs. Manchester A

Cambridge B


Andrei Hui4040
Ben LaFond6060
Linus Luu2020
Rachel Bentham2020
14 bonuses for 300 points (21.43 PPB)

Manchester A


Enoch Boateng1010
Kai Madgwick5145
Nathan Easow000
Yashika Bhatra000
6 bonuses for 90 points (15 PPB)

Andrei HuiBen LaFondLinus LuuRachel BenthamBonusesTotalTUEnoch BoatengKai MadgwickNathan EasowYashika BhatraBonusesTotal
10 92101010401-5 64-5
40210 35001015
10 63001060315
10 82101010100415
100510 870101045
10 12410100130645
130710 750101075
10 670100150875
10 27101010190975
1901010 45010095
10 7201002101195
10 80101002401295
10 941010102801395
10 151010103201495
10 62010103501595
10 401010103901695
3901710 6110010125
3901810 1430010145
10 651001042019145
10 79010044020145
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text